A la folie... pas du tout (2002)

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Stream A la folie... pas du tout full movie free in good quality without download online. This Drama movie was released on 2002-03-27 in the theater. The A la folie... pas du tout movie starred by Audrey Tautou as Angélique and also Samuel Le Bihan as Loïc.

A la folie... pas du tout 2002 Detail

Genre : Drama, Thriller
Duration : 92 min
Release Date : 2002-03-27
Rating : 7.3
Writer : Laetitia Colombani, Caroline Thivel
Director : Laetitia Colombani
Company :
Movie Casts :
Audrey Tautou as Angélique, Samuel Le Bihan as Loïc,Isabelle Carré as Rachel, Clément Sibony as David, Sophie Guillemin as , as

The Synopsis of A la folie... pas du tout

Angelique, a young student, is in love with a married doctor. We see her attempts to make him leave his pregnant wife, but he does not appear for meetings or finally the booked journey to Florence. Then the movie is turned back to the beginning, and the view changes: We are now following the view of the doctor instead of Angeliques. And things look quite different now...

A young woman who is in love with a married doctor becomes dangerous when her attempts to persuade him to leave his wife are unsuccessful. However, when things are seen from his point of view, the real situation becomes clear.


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