The Act of Killing (2012)

the-act-of-killing-2012-movieStreaming The Act of Killing (2012) full movie online HD free. Watch The Act of Killing - 2012 online streaming full movie in HD for free. The The Act of Killing was the movie in 2012 that's directed by Joshua Oppenheimer, Anonymous, Christine Cynn.

Stream The Act of Killing full movie free in good quality without download online. This Documentary movie was released on 2012-11-08 in the theater. The The Act of Killing movie starred by Anwar Congo as Himself and also Herman Koto as Himself.

The Act of Killing 2012 Detail

Genre : Documentary,
Duration : 115 min
Release Date : 2012-11-08
Rating : 8.2
Writer : N/A
Director : Joshua Oppenheimer, Anonymous, Christine Cynn
Company : Spring Films
Movie Casts :
Anwar Congo as Himself, Herman Koto as Himself,Syamsul Arifin as Himself, Ibrahim Sinik as Himself, Yapto Soerjosoemarno as Himself, Safit Pardede as Himself

The Synopsis of The Act of Killing

In a place where killers are celebrated as heroes, these filmmakers challenge unrepentant death-squad leaders to dramatize their role in genocide. The result is a surreal, cinematic journey, not only into the memories and imaginations of mass murderers, but also into a frighteningly banal regime of corruption and impunity.

A documentary which challenges former Indonesian death-squad leaders to reenact their mass-killings in whichever cinematic genres they wish, including classic Hollywood crime scenarios and lavish musical numbers.


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